Dixons Broadgreen Academy | Curriculum
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Dixons Broadgreen Academy

Year 8 Parents Evening is on Monday 10th February from 5pm to 7pm. Read More


At Dixons Broadgreen Academy Sixth Form, all post 16 students follow study programmes which combine a variety of qualifications and other activities tailored to the individual’s prior attainment and career goal. Our post 16 study programmes not only include academic qualifications, but also work-related activities and non-qualification activities for enrichment which we believe enhance employability skills.

Any student who has not achieved a GCSE grade 4 in English and maths will re-sit these subjects as part of their study programmes.

A student’s programme of study could be made up of A Levels, Diplomas or Extended Certificate vocational courses and each qualification will be taught over a certain number of hours per week.

QualificationHours per weekA Level equivalent

A Level

5 hours per week1 A Level
Diploma10 hours per week2 A Levels
Extended Certificate5 hours per week1 A Level

Supervised Self-Study

We believe in maximising learning time. As such, students are timetabled to have supervised self-study time. During this time, students are supervised by staff. Self-study periods promote independent study. Students will be able to complete work, revise or do some wider reading around their subject areas.


Sixth form students will also have tutorials with key members of the sixth form team. These small group sessions will provide students with university and career advice and guidance. Students will experience lectures, guest speakers and UCAS / apprenticeship support.

Enrichment / Youth Social Action Project

Additionally, students will participate in an enrichment programme and a youth social action project. Youth social action involves young people taking practical action in the service of others to create positive change. Young people participating in social action have stronger personal networks, higher life-satisfaction, and reduced anxiety.

Lecture Programme

Our sixth formers will also participate in the lecture programme. Students will attend one short lecture each week. These lectures don’t just help students prepare for university style teaching and learning, they also develop cultural capital through greater academic breadth.

The content of our lecture programme is designed to build powerful knowledge – we define the hallmarks of this knowledge as:

  • knowledge that changes the way we think
  • knowledge that helps us explore, understand and explain natural and social worlds
  • knowledge that helps us go beyond our individual experiences