Dixons Broadgreen Academy | Our academy week
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Dixons Broadgreen Academy

Year 8 Parents Evening is on Monday 10th February from 5pm to 7pm. Read More

Our academy week

At Dixons Broadgreen Academy, we operate a longer working day Monday to Wednesday. With an extended day, students have more time in the classroom to acquire skills, knowledge and understanding. There are no shortcuts to success. Whilst our sixth form students follow the same timetable as KS4 students (seen below), there are some additional changes for sixth form students.



Period 1


Period 2



10.45Period 3

Period 4



13.25Period 5
14.15Period 6 (except Friday when we finish at 14.15)

End of the day.

Sixth form student timetables maximise the effective use of time whilst giving blocks of time in the afternoons for work experience, independent study, access to additional support and interventions when needed. This allows students to be fully ready for the world of work. Students do not have large blocks of trapped, non-contact time during the day. All students have full mornings where we focus primarily on teaching and individual study. We also run enrichment activities and bespoke study support throughout the sixth form timetable.

Sixth form students do not have Morning Meeting. Instead, they begin their day with Period 1. All students have a lesson Period 1, whether that be a timetabled subject or a supervised study lesson.

Period 1 begins at 8:45 and all sixth form students are expected to be in school by 8:40 in order to arrive on time to Period 1.

Students may arrive to school anytime between 8:00 and 8:40 and head to the Sixth Form Centre, where students can access the study rooms.
Sixth form students are allowed to leave site at lunch time. This supports our students to develop and take responsibility for their time management whilst given them more independence.

All students must use the Inventory system to sign in and out for health and safety reasons. Any student who fails to use the system will lose their privilege of leaving site.
Sixth form students are expected to attend one lecture each week and will be assigned a lecture day at the beginning of the school year. These lectures don’t just help students prepare for university style teaching and learning, they also develop cultural capital through greater academic breadth.

As we prepare sixth form students for university, students have more flexibility. For example, if a sixth form student has a study period last lesson of the day, then students can choose to remain in school and use the sixth form study facilities or go home and study from home.