Dixons Broadgreen Academy | Learning habits
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Dixons Broadgreen Academy

Year 8 Parents Evening is on Monday 10th February from 5pm to 7pm. Read More

Learning habits

From the first day at Dixons Broadgreen Academy Sixth Form, our students are expected to meet all of our six learning habits that we know they can demonstrate. We believe these learning habits help our students to develop the necessary skills they need to be successful at university.

We have high expectations and accept no excuses. We expect our students to live by our learning habits 100% of the time. If they do this, their hard work will be recognised. However, if any of the learning habits are not met, then a concern will be raised.

Sixth form students who have been a student at our academy in lower peaks will recognise the six learning habits. Although the same learning habits exist lower down the school, in sixth form, our learning habits take on a new form as we aim to create an environment in which students are enabled to become mature, self-disciplined, industrious individuals who want to achieve outstanding outcomes and develop themselves into well rounded and independent individuals who take responsibility for their own actions.

Positive Response – Respect

Students must demonstrate the highest level of respect to all members of academy staff and students. Respect is the foundation stone of a calm and purposeful learning environment. Respect requires students to acknowledge the value of all people involved in the academy and behave with courtesy and kindness to all, regardless of background or opinion.

Uniform – Professional Dress

Sixth form students need to be aware that they are regarded as role models and consistent standards of professional attire help set a purposeful community. We expect all students to dress in a professional manner. Our aim is to reflect the expectations of a professional workplace. Just as they will when they attend interviews for their top jobs in the future, it is important that our students take pride in themselves and their appearance. This means following the uniform expectations outlined in the sixth form family handbook, including on their way to and from school. It is the responsibility of all students to comply with our dress code.

Homework & Deadlines

Students who wish to be successful meet deadlines and complete homework on time. Completing work outside of lessons is very important to consolidate and master learning. It also helps students to develop their organisational skills and it shows that they are hard working. Deadlines have to be met with work that is done to the best of their ability.

On Task – Learning Focus

Students are in sixth form education to succeed in their academic studies; we expect classroom behaviour to be exemplary and make no excuses for our high expectations. Students should arrive promptly and fully prepared to lessons; they should signal their readiness to learn from the start of the lesson. We expect all students to complete all tasks willingly and to do so to the best of their abilities. Students should listen carefully to all instructions and academic instruction; students should be prepared to answer questions fully and be involved in class debates and discussions; student files should be kept in good order at all times.

Punctuality – Professional Conduct

Students should always demonstrate professional conduct; this entails being in the right place, at the right time, with the right equipment and uniform. Students need to have signed in by 8.40, ready to begin the day's learning. Students are responsible for their punctual attendance to every lesson and academy event throughout the day, including enrichment.

Students are expected to attend sixth form every day. Anything less than 97% is not good enough and the academy would expect this only to be the case for students with serious medical issues. If students are ill, then families must contact the academy on the morning of each absence. Any planned absence should be requested using the academy’s leave of absence form and passed to the sixth form pastoral support manager. Any holiday request during term time will be refused. We trust that families will only request leave of absence in exceptional circumstances.

Equipment – Professionally Ready

All Dixons Broadgreen Academy sixth form students are expected to be fully prepared for lessons each day.

We provide our sixth form students with a stationery pack at the start of the school year, along with an academic diary. We expect students to replenish their equipment when necessary. If students need any support with this they should speak to a member of the sixth form team.

Students are expected to bring the following:

  • 2 x black and 2 x green pen
  • dry wipe pen
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • calculator if required for any subjects
  • one pencil case
  • a sensible and suitable bag