Dixons Broadgreen Academy | Remote learning
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Dixons Broadgreen Academy

Year 8 Parents Evening is on Monday 10th February from 5pm to 7pm. Read More

Remote learning

In the event of your child needing to work from home, it is important that they can continue their studies at home.

Why is home learning so important?

Learning is a long-term change in memory. When we learn a piece of information, we instantly begin to forget it. We know that over time, the amount of the original information we will retain will be significantly reduced, unless it is revisited often.

Our home learning strategy is designed to allow students to frequently revisit powerful knowledge in order to interrupt the forgetting process. We do this in three ways:

  • Look Cover Write Check - This is a paper based task.
  • Sparx Maths - Online
  • Seneca Learning - Online

Look, Cover, Write, Check (LCWC)

It is essential that when students are learning through Look / Cover/ Write/ Check they are working in a silent environment free from distractions so they can focus their attention on what they are learning. If they can do this they will get the information they are learning into their working memory and if it goes into their working memory enough times it will then be retained in long term memory. Only when information/knowledge is in your long-term memory have you actually learned it.

At Dixons Broadgreen Academy, we use the process of Look/ Cover/ Write/ Check to support learning.

The process:

  • Look at the first bullet point or sentence and read through it three to five times
  • Cover with your planner and write down the information exactly as it was in your 100% booklet
  • Remove your planner and pick up your green pen
  • Check what you wrote and tick if correct
  • Make any corrections in green pen so it is exactly as in your 100% booklet and repeat if necessary
  • When you get it 100% right, move on to the next chunk of information

Failure to complete Look, Cover, Write, Check will result in a same day 30 minute correction.

An example of what LCWC homework should look like for KS3 (Year 7, 8 and 9), Year 10 and Year 11 is shown at the bottom of this page.

How do students access online home learning?

All links to online learning platforms can be accesses through a student's 'Online Learning' Team in Microsoft Teams.

Sparx Maths: online

All students will receive one Sparx Maths homework to complete each week which must be completed by the deadline given to them each week.

Sparx assignments are generated using intelligent algorithm which will match the content to the Mathematical abilities of each student individually, with some challenge to allow them to progress. Because of this, if a student works to the best of their ability, the assignment will take approximately 40 minutes to complete.

Failure to complete a Sparx Maths will result in a same-day 30 minute correction.

Click this link to go to the Sparx Maths website - https://sparxmaths.com/

Seneca Learning

Students will be assigned online homework through a website called 'SenecaLearning.com'. Assignments are set by a range of subjects which are designed to prepare students for learning in the near future, or reinforce learning which has taken place recently.

Parents are encouraged to create their own Seneca account in order to monitor the completion of work and provide encouragement to their child. Seneca will automatically sync parent email accounts with their children's Seneca account upon registration.

Failure to complete Seneca home learning will not result in a same-day 30 minute correction. Click this link to go to the Seneca Learning website - https://senecalearning.com/en-...

Parent account guidance - https://help.senecalearning.co...

A Level and GCSE Psychology Revision guides

A Level Revision Tips, Timetables, Resources, Quizzes (learndojo.org)

Free GCSE Revision 9-1 Help, Notes, Tips, Quizzes and More! (learndojo.org)
